Use source of evidence to deduce information about the past.
Select suitable sources of evidence, giving reasons for their choices.
Use sources of information to form testable hypotheses about the past.
Seek out and analyse a wide range of evidence in order to justify claims about the past.
Show an awareness of the concept of propaganda and how historians must understand the social context of evidence studied.
Understand that no single source of evidence gives the full answer to questions about the past.
Refine lines of enquiry as appropriate.
Identify continuity and change in the history of the locality of the school.
Give a broad overview of life in Britain and some major events from the rest of the world.
Compare some of the times studied with those of other areas of interest around the world.
Describe the social, ethnic, cultural or religious diversity of past society.
Describe the characteristic features of the past, including ideas, beliefs attitudes and experiences of men, women and children.
Describe the main changes in a period of history (using terms such as: social, religious, political, technological and cultural).
Identify periods of rapid change in history and contrast them with times of relatively little change.
Understand the concepts of continuity and change over time, representing them, along with evidence on a timeline.
Use dates and terms accurately in describing events.
Use appropriate historical vocabulary to communicate including;
Time period
Use literacy, numeracy and computing skills to an exceptional standard in order to communicate information about the past.
Use original ways to present information and ideas.