Galilee to Jerusalem
In this branch, pupils will experience the ministry of Jesus, the Word of God. They will learn about the life of Jesus and his revelation of the Kingdom of God through parables, encounters, miracles, and teachings.
They will also learn about the
Desert to Garden
At the end of Branch 3 we left Jesus about to enter Jerusalem, on what we would call Palm Sunday. Desert to garden walks us through Jesus' last week, using the metaphor of gardening to image what happens.
We continue to read Luke's Gospel as our base text.

In Numeracy we have started focusing on numbers to 20 and will be using objects and representations like tens frames and dienes to show how numbers are made up of tens and ones. We will then practice adding and subtracting numbers up to 20. Later in the term we will start to measure length, weight and capacity in a variety of ways.

In Literacy we will be looking at stories from familiar settings, some about lost toys, such as Knuffle Bunny and Dogger. We will then begin exploring the differences between information and story books, and learn how to use dictionaries. The children will read and write their own information and explanation texts as well as developing reading comprehension and story writing skills. After the half term we will be looking at fairy tales.

This term we will be learning about ‘Materials’; what they are and what physical properties they have. We will be conducting some investigations into the properties and usage of materials. We will also be observing the change in the seasons.

Our geography topic will be the UK and we will we will be learning about the countries and capital cities within the United Kingdom.
We will be learning about the life and legacy of Florence Nightingale for our History topic. .

In ICT the children will be continuing their e-safety learning and will be using Espresso coding to find out about basic programming commands. They will learn to sequence instructions in order to create simple games and start to understand that an algorithm is a set of instructions for a computer to follow.

In Art we will be looking at works by the artist Rousseau, especially his Tiger. The children will create their own jungle settings, replicating some of his techniques. They will also use collage to create a setting for a fairy tale.

The children will continue to learn more songs through the wonderful Sing Up scheme. This half term they will be focusing on pitched and unpitched rhythmic sounds, learning to find the beat, counting syllables and adding gesture to create a musical movement picture. The children will begin to compose musical sound effects, use percussive instruments in response to sounds and start to recognise notation. The three topics are called Football, Dawn from Sea Interludes and Musical Conversations.